CAGEAD Celebrates World Menstruation Day 2024 with students and Stakeholders.
It was a wonderful celebration of this year’s World Menstrual Hygiene Management Day, as CAGEAD has been creating positive impact on the lives of young girls in the North West region of Cameroon.
This year’s theme “Together for a period-friendly world” is a great reminder that menstrual hygiene is a global issue that requires collective effort and support. In the presence of stakeholders, policy makers, religious and traditional leaders, it was heartwarming to hear the students from Mezam Donga-Mantung Divisions testify, share their experiences, on how they have been able to overcome their struggles with menstruation and are now enjoying a period-friendly environment, which has led to the attaining better grades.
The various activities and competitions organized during the celebration, such a, poetry recitation, quiz competition, and song performances, was a great way to raise awareness and promote menstrual hygiene. It was also wonderful to see the school authorities, MHM club members, and students Mezam and Donga-Mantung Divisions, coming together to celebrate this important day. The prizes awarded to the cleanest toilets, most beautiful poem, best club coordinators, and overall best performance was a great motivator for the students to continue working hard in their education and maintaining good hygiene practices.
It's clear that CAGEAD and UN WOMEN are committed to supporting the menstrual hygiene needs of young girls in Cameroon, and it’s wonderful to see the positive impact they are having on their lives. Congratulations to all the winners and participants, and many thanks to CAGEAD and UN WOMEN for their tireless efforts in promoting menstrual hygiene and empowering young girls