Grassroots women participation in Peace and Security through UNSCR 1325
In peace building processes, women have the right to take part on equal footing with men. Statistics however indicate that, women are frequently left out of formal peace talks, which in a larger context have disastrous ramifications on how to achieve lasting peace.
A significant resolution that acknowledges the value of a gender perspective on women, peace and security is the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325(UNSCR1325. With the escalating conflict in the Northwest and Southwest regions, and the proliferation of different groups, GBV among internally displaced persons especially women has been on the rise and all four(4) pillars of the UNSCR1325 have not been respected.
To address this, CAGEAD saw the need to practically contextualize and localize the UNSCR1325 in some municipalities in the Northwest region of Cameroon.
Objective: To empower women peace builders with skills and knowledge on UNSCR1325, and foster the women peace and security (WPS) agenda by getting them involved effectively to participate in peace building processes, starting at the local level, as well as increase respect for women’s rights.
Key Achievements of the Project
Community attitudes were changed and positive impressions towards women’s participation in peace processes was established.
There was greater awareness of UNSCR1325 and WPS agenda by grassroots women and men.
More engagement by men and community leaders to support women’s involvement and participation in peace processes.
Community Peace Ambassadors’ capacities were enhanced.
Community Peace Ambassadors (CPAs) were empowered and they gained visibility in their communities.
Community peace clubs (CPCs) are now playing a crucial role in the communities. They are identifying cases of GBV, resolving minor neighborhood squabbles in non violent ways and providing a platform where grass root women can sit and share their experiences, challenges and seek basic solutions.