Women-Led community driven action for the Promotion of Human Rights

The project "Women-Led community driven action for the Promotion of  Human Rights in conflict affected communities in The North West and South West Regions of Cameroon" was created with main objective to carryout Human Rights protection and monitoring activities in the 13 divisions of the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon and specific objectives to: 

  • Sensitize 1500 persons on human rights related issues in 13 divisions in the NW and SW regions of Cameroon.
  • Monitor and report at least 40 cases of human rights violations 
  • Refer at least 15 identified cases to appropriate services.

The project opened with a baseline survey aimed at gathering the perceptions and knowledge base of community members on issues relating to Human Rights, Gender Based Violence, UNSCR 1325 and women and peace building.  Data collectors were trained and briefed on the project and its objectives. The enumerators were assigned to administer that questionnaires. 750 questionnaires and 50 discussion guide were filled submitted from 10 enumerators for the North west Region.

Door to door sensitizations were carried out in the community where household were educated on Human rights, sexual gender based violence, women’s involvement in peace building, toxic masculinity ideas, patriarchal socio-cultural norms, violent extremism, child trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse.  CAGEAD field staff sensitized 42 communities in 06 of the 7 sub divisions of Mezam Division and reached a total of 1419 persons (614 men and 805 women).

Community dialogue sessions were held with community members where they were educated on peace building, toxic masculinity ideas, patriarchal socio-cultural norms, violent extremism, sexual exploitation and abuse. Community dialogue sessions were held in strategic communities in each of the municipality we worked in. Contact visits were done and Letters of information were sent to quarter heads to obtain authorization to hold the dialogue session in their communities. Alongside the quarter heads, suitable dates were set to meet some focal stakeholders to discuss and share ideas on Human Rights, GBV and UNSCR 1325.

Human Right Monitoring and Reporting: CAGEAD installed suggestion boxes in their communities to help the community members to report cases of human right violation and also drop complains in case there are any. Incidents of human rights violations reported  included torture, extortion, sexual violence, arbitrary arrests, child labour, property destruction, looting of property, denial of economic resources etc.

Referral of survivors to appropriate services: After the door to door sensitization and educative sessions in the communities, some cases of human rights violation and GBV were disclosed to CAGEAD. CAGEAD was able to offer psychological first aid services to 09 survivors ranging from psycho social counseling,   medical assistance and payment of transport for clients to go to other appropriate structures where they were referred.

Social Media Communication and Visibility: Throughout the project period, CAGED disseminated a lot of field stories and evidence–based strategies through the social media. For all activities that were carried out, CAGEAD created and shared facebook post and tweets tagging the funders of the project. Face book post where shared on a daily basis as the door to door sensitizations were going on. 


At the end of the project CAGEAD sensitized a total of 42 communities in 6 out of the 7 subdivisions of Mezam Division and reached a total of 1410 persons( 614 men and 805 women).

Through the door to door sensitization, households in these communities were educated on Human Rights, SGBV, women’s involvement in peace building, toxic masculinity ideas, patriarchal socio-cultural norms, violent extremism, child trafficking and, sexual exploitation and abuse. 

CAGEAD organized 06 community dialogues sessions bringing together 46 males and 39 females from 06 communities.

09 Survivors of human rights violations like torture, extortion, sexual violence, denial of economic resources were also referred to appropriate services.

Cases disclosed during the door to door sensitization to CAGEAD  received, psychological first aid, ranging from psychosocial counseling, medical assistance and transportation fare to get to appropriate structures to get help.